Acea for World Energy Saving Day
With Resolution 2/2023/R/COM, ARERA extends the facilitation measures in favour of the populations affected by the seismic events in Central Italy and in the Municipalities of Casamicciola Terme, Lacco Ameno and Forio (Ischia) in 2016 and 2017.
In compliance with the 2023 Budget Law, with Resolution 2/2023/R/COM, ARERA extends the following facilitation measures to 31 December 2023 in favour of the populations affected by the seismic events in Central Italy and in the Municipalities of Casamicciola Terme, Lacco Ameno and Forio (Ischia), in the years 2016 and 2017:
For the entire duration of the concessions, the resident domestic rate is applied both to the uninhabitable residence and to any utility / supply in which only the domicile is established after the seismic event, without the registered residence having been transferred. Further details are available on the Arera website.
Who can apply
Users who already own a water utility with a resident domestic use rate, in one of the municipalities affected by the seismic event, can take advantage of the domestic use rate residing also in the house to which they subsequently moved their domicile.
The entitled customer thus can be the owner of two separate utilities on which the resident domestic rate can be applied.
If the house in which you moved your domicile falls within one of the Municipalities managed by Acea Ato 2 the customer can send us the request through the dedicated channels.
How to submit your application
Entitled Customers can send the request by e-mail, to the commercial e-mail address commerciale.ato2@pec.aceaspa.it, specifying the following data:
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