Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) on personal data protection, and by virtue of the terms of the provisions of 8 May 2014 “Identification of simplified methods for notification and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” and of 5 June 2015 “Clarifications about the implementation of the cookies regulations” adopted by the Italian Data Protection Authority with regard to cookies, Acea S.p.A. hereby provides you with clear, transparent information on the use and management of the cookies installed on the domain www.gruppoacea.it (hereinafter, the “Website”) and its sub-domains, i.e. other domains accessible via the Website.
Please note that this information (hereinafter the “Note”) is provided exclusively with reference to the personal data processing activities carried out by Acea S.p.A. in the capacity of Website operator. The management of the information collected by third parties is regulated by the relative privacy notes, to which you are invited to refer, as indicated in the paragraph below on the use of the cookies.
The use of the technical cookies does not require the Data Subject’s consent. In any case, said cookies can be disabled at any time as indicated in the Section “How to manage cookies” below. The disablement of this type of cookie could make it difficult for the user to browse the website and correctly use its services.
For information on installing and using third party analytics and profiling cookies, and for the management of the relative consents, please refer to the relative links to the notes provided below, reminding the user that if no choice is made and the user decides to continue browsing in this Website, they will consent to the use of these cookies.
1. AddThis: service provided by AddThis, Inc. (“AddThis”). This service consents the use of the buttons of many social networks to allow the users to share contents on the various social platforms.
The use of this service requires the installation of the cookies, including profiling cookies, of the third party company offering the service. However, the website shall not share any of the user’s browsing information or data acquired when the sharing buttons are used, except some data in aggregated form. The privacy policy that regulates the management of this type of cookie is available at the link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/privacy-policy
2. Google analytics: web service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google uses these cookies to analyze your behavior when using the website, collecting information that also includes your IP address. Google will use this information to analyze your use of the website, create reports on the activities of the website for the site managers and provide additional services connected to the use of the site and the web. Under no circumstances will Google associate your IP address with other data.
You can visit this link to obtain information about the Cookies used by Google Analytics: https://support.google.com/analytics/topic/2919631?hl=en&ref_topic=1008008
3. Adobe analytics: web service provided by Adobe. These are monitoring cookies used to generate statistics on the use of the site. Adobe Analytics uses cookies that do not memorize personal data and that are deposited on the user’s computer to enable the website manager to analyze how the website is used by the users. To prevent the above-mentioned cookies from being memorized, the user can follow the procedure available at the following link: https://www.adobe.com/it/data-analytics-cloud/analytics/general-data-protection-regulation.html
4. Google adwords: online advertising service with which advertising spaces can be added to the Google search pages. These cookies enable Google and the advertiser to see that the advert has been clicked on and that the website has then been visited. This type of activity is performed thanks to a cookie called “Conversion” which is generally set under the domains googleadservice.com or google.com.
More info on these cookies is available at the following link https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en
Cookies are small text-only strings (usually composed of letters and numbers) that allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser; indeed these text files are sent by a website to the browser used to navigate, then memorized on the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone or other) and sent back to the same website the next time the user visits the same.
Cookies are widely used to ensure the functionality of websites or to improve the users’ browsing experience, as well as to provide information to the owners of the websites.
Additionally, users can set their devices so that they accept all, some or none (so-called ‘opt-out’) of the cookies. By choosing the latter option, certain personalized services cannot be provided to the user who may therefore be unable to use all the functions of our Website.
There are different types of cookies which express different characteristics and they can be classified based on their function, the party that generates them and on their purpose, as stated below.
The first type of cookie is mandatory for ensuring that certain sections of the Website work properly:
- session cookies: which are deleted immediately when the browser used to navigate is closed;
- persistent cookies: which remain inside the device, continuing to operate even once the browser has been closed or until a certain period of time has passed;
Instead, the second type is linked to the party that generates and manages the cookies:
- first party cookies: generated and managed directly by the manager of the website on which the user is browsing;
- third party cookies: generated and managed by parties other than the manager of the website on which the user is browsing – usually by virtue of a contract established between the website owner and the third party.
The purposes of cookies can be classified in three main categories: technical cookies, analytics cookies and profiling cookies:
- technical cookies these are generally necessary for ensuring that the website works properly and to enable the user to browse. Without them, the user may be unable to view the pages correctly or to use certain services. For example, a technical cookie is essential for keeping the user connected for the full duration of their visit to a website, or for memorizing settings, such as language, viewing mode, etc.
These cookies, in turn, can be divided into:
The Data Subject’s consent is not required for the installation and/or use of the technical cookies as these cookies are technically essential for the fulfillment of certain operations on the Website.
- analytics cookies: these are cookies used to collect and analyze information about the use of the Website by the user. Without identifying the user, these cookies can detect, for example, if the same user returns to the Website at different times and how long they spend browsing thereon. They also enable the system to be monitored, so optimizing the management of the Website. These cookies can be deactivated without any loss of functionality. These cookies, if used anonymously, without no possibility that they could reveal the identity of the individual user, for the purpose of statistically analyzing the accesses and/or visits to the Website and without them being crossed with data already on file, collecting information in aggregated form on the number of users, are treated similarly to the technical cookies. In this last case the Data Subject’s consent is not required.
- profiling cookies: these are cookies designed to create profiles related to the user and they are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same when browsing online. Since these devices can prove particularly invasive within the users’ private sphere, European law and the Italian law on personal data protection require the user to be adequately informed on the use of the same and to have expressed their valid consent. The user can grant said consent by way of the simplified methods described in the brief note (so-called “Banner”).
This Website uses both first party and third party profiling cookies.
Regarding the third party cookies, installed by the manager of a different website, our Website acts as an intermediary. Ace S.p.A. has no direct control over the parties who manage different websites and the relative cookies, and has no access to the information collected using these cookies. Therefore, to obtain information about their characteristics and how they work, please use the links below or contact said third parties directly. The use of third party cookies can usually be prevented by the user, also by way of the specific option present in their browser (see the indications below in the section “How to manage cookies”).
Please note that generally when users are tracked this does not mean that they are identified, unless the user has already registered with the service in question, and is already logged in. However, in this case, it is understood that the user has already expressed their consent directly to the third party at the time of registering with the relative service.
This website www.gruppoacea.it. uses the following cookies:
- technical cookies with the purpose of ensuring that the contents of the website are used properly;
- third party analytics cookie (Google Analytics, etc.) for performing anonymous, aggregated analyses on the behavior of the users who browse the Website;
- profiling cookies used to track the user’s browsing online and create profiles of their tastes, habits, choices, etc… These cookies can be used to send to the user’s device advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed by the same when browsing online. These cookies can only be used with the user’s consent.
Acea S.p.A. also uses the Facebook Pixel, a tool composed of a small programming code to be entered into the Website which enables the collection of statistical data, the monitoring of the actions performed on the Website by the visitors and the creation of personalized groups of audience to whom the adverts will be shown.
This cookie, if used for the activity of retargeting, enables the user to be shown advertisements in line with the pages visited in the past and with the user’s browsing history on the site for example, on the social networks or when performing a search on the search engines. This technology allows Acea S.p.A. to only send the user targeted adverts in line with their preferences, rather than standard adverts. Therefore, one of the functions of the Facebook Pixel lies in the fact that it generates custom audiences based on those who have visited the Website.
Additionally, the Facebook Pixel cookie enables the conversions to be tracked, obtaining information on the users that visit the Website, with the purpose of monitoring the trend of an advertising campaign and verifying its effectiveness. In particular, the Pixel cookie notifies Facebook every time a user is engaged by a particular campaign on the Website.
Facebook acts in the capacity of Data Controller when posting adverts based on the information that the person supplies, either directly to Facebook or based on the data received via the Facebook Pixel.
To ensure more transparency and convenience, please note that at the link https://en-gb.facebook.com/business/gdpr you can view the Facebook personal data protection policy.
The data processing is performed for the following purposes:
a) making the Website functional
b) protecting the security of the Website (anti-spam filters, firewalls, virus detection) and preventing or unmasking cases of fraud or abuse to the detriment of the Website
c) analyzing the traffic towards the Website
d) personalizing the contents and advertising through brand awareness campaigns, with the purpose of performing institutional communication.
The legal basis for the processing of data for the purposes a), b) and c) lies in the legitimate interest of the Data Controller pursuant to article 6.1 letter f) of the GDPR.
The legal basis for the processing of data for purpose d) lies in the Data Subject’s consent, pursuant to article 6.1 letter a) of the GDPR.
Consent is granted via the banner, or through the use or consultation of the Website, as conclusive behavior. However, denying consent can make it impossible to provide certain services and the browsing experience in the website may be compromised.
The user can revoke their consent at any time pursuant to article 7 of the GDPR.
The user can block or delete all or part of the cookies, also using the specific functions of their browser: however, if all or some of the above-mentioned technical cookies are disabled, it may not be possible to visit the website or some of the services or functions of the Website may not work properly. Additionally, the user could also be obliged to change or enter some information or preferences manually every time they visit the Website.
Disabling all or part of the technical cookies could compromise the use of the functions of the site reserved for registered users. On the contrary, any public contents can also be used even when the cookies are fully disabled.
Disabling the third party cookies in no way affects the user’s ability to browse the website.
Additionally, the best browsers allow different settings to be defined for first and third party cookies.
For more information on how to set your preferences regarding the use of cookies on your browser, you can consult the relative instructions:
The Data Controller is Acea SpA with registered and management office in Piazzale Ostiense, 2 Rome -00154; tel. +39 06 57 991, certified email address: acea.spa@pec.aceaspa.it.
The third parties that have installed cookies on this website are autonomous Data Controllers and shall arrange to illustrate the methods and purposes of the data processing carried out by the same by issuing a specific note.
The data collected using cookies can be processed by employees and collaborators of Acea S.p.A. In the capacity of persons authorized to perform the processing.
These data can also be processed by companies we trust who carry out technical and organizational tasks related to the management of the website on our behalf. These companies are our direct collaborators and perform the function of Data Processors. The full list of the Data Processors is constantly updated and available on request by writing to the addresses provided below.
The data shall also be communicated to third parties which, as mentioned, will act in the capacity of autonomous Data Controllers.
The data collected using the cookies of Google and the Facebook Pixel can be transferred outside the European Union and precisely to the United States of America, due to the Privacy Shield which regulates the relative data transfer. The data collected using the cookies will not be disseminated.
You can request information about the processing of your personal data at all times, when the relative conditions are present, exercising your rights as per articles 15 and following of the GDPR. In particular these consist of the right to access, correct and/or delete the data, and/or to object to and/or limit the processing of the same.
Data Subjects shall also be entitled to submit a claim to the Italian Data Protection Authority.
Data Subjects can exercise their rights by sending a request addressed to the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
For subsidiaries, a Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the Acea Group has been appointed, who can be contacted at the following email address: privacy@aceaspa.it
Please note that responses will only be provided to requests for the exercising of Data Subjects’ rights in relation to the personal data processing activities carried out by Acea S.p.A. and via this website. The management of requests regarding the processing of personal data carried out by third parties is also regulated by the relative notes on privacy to which you are invited to refer.
The coming into effect of any new industry laws and the constant updating of the services and the Website could make it necessary to modify the methods and terms of this note. Therefore, the document could undergo changes over time.
Should these changes be significant, we will strive to highlight them by issuing the relative clear, appropriate notifications.
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