Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Looking out for families and businesses. Close to customers from afar.
Acea Ato 5 is always there for its customers to help them with any issues they may have during these difficult times. Recently, the Acea Group postponed water supply interruption measures and payment deadlines until May 3.
Right from the start of the Covid-19 emergency the Acea Group suspended credit recovery procedures and offered its users in economic difficulty the option of postponing bill payments.
Consequently, in line with the new Authority provisions, the company has ordered the total suspension of all measures and procedures against late payments for the water service (Remsi), for the period from March 10 till May 3.
Therefore, during this period Acea Ato 5 has stopped enforcing water supply interruption measures for late payments and has already reactivated some suspended supplies, in accordance with the Authority guidelines. Additionally, the Company has temporarily suspended any supply interruption measures in proven cases of fraudulent activity, i.e. cases in which inspections ascertained the existence of unauthorized connections.
Additionally, at this extremely difficult time for families and businesses, in line with Acea Group decisions, Acea Ato 5 has adopted important measures regarding payments of bills that were overdue before March 9, 2020, or due during the emergency period, which now has been extended until 3 May.
In particular: in the case of bills already overdue on March 9 this year, customers may request to postpone the payment of the amount due in the bill, or the outstanding total (in the case of previous outstanding bills), until May 4; in the case of bills due between March 10 and May 3, customers may request to postpone payments until 30 days after the original due date.
In both cases (bills due before and after March 9), customers may also request to pay in installments, with the first installment due on May 4, 2020. Users may request flexible payment conditions also for unauthorized water supplies existing prior to March 9 and in cases for which installments had previously been denied.
Additionally, Acea Ato 5 shall not apply interests on late payment amounts for the period between 10 March and 3 May.
Following Arera Deliberation 117/2020, where possible, customers have also been provided with the online billing service free of charge. The service allows customers to receive their bills via email on the date they are issued, eliminating the risk of delays and bills being lost in the post. Customers may deactivate the service at any time by accessing the Invoices and Payments section in the MyAcea Customer Area and resetting the paper bill option at no additional cost.
This initiative was designed to help promote the use of digital channels allowing customers to pay bills from home, through the digital channels available: MyAcea Customer Area, Lottomatica or Sisal Pay website, home banking, Poste Italiane website.
Please be reminded that to contact Acea Ato 5 and request extensions, payment by installments and for any other matter, you may call the toll-free number 800 639 251 (06 45 698 202 from a mobile), active from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 19:00 and Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00, or send an email to commerciale@aceaato5.it.
To report breaks or leaks, please call the toll-free number 800 191 332 (active 24/7).
For all information, you may also refer to the website at www.aceaato5.it, and the MyAcea section, accessible from both the website and the app.
An email service is also active: by sending an email to appuntamenti.commerciale@aceaato5.it, quoting your customer number, land line or mobile telephone number and type of request, you can carry out all commercial operations. If required, any documents relevant to your case or application may be attached to the email.
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