Acea for World Energy Saving Day
If any problems regarding your electricity, gas and water supply and distribution have not been resolved when you made your complaint, you can start the Joint Mediation procedure.
Joint Mediation, also known as the ADR procedure (Alternative Dispute Resolution), is a tool to resolve out of court any disputes between consumers and Companies in the Acea Group, which uses a system of rules shared between member Companies and Consumer Associations of the ADR Protocol according to the Consumer Code (Art. 141-decies, Legislative Decree 130/15).
The procedure is managed by the Body ADR Acea - Consumer Associations, registered in the special list of ARERA (Energy Networks and Environmental Regulation Authority), under the Decision 620/15, and consists of a Joint Guarantee Body, a Mediation secretariat and a Mediation Commission.
You can access Joint Mediation easily and free of charge. For further details, please visit our dedicated website, read the attached documents and consult the most frequently asked questions.
Joint Conciliation is an out-of-court dispute resolution method that allows disputes between consumers and companies to be resolved quickly, easily and economically. It is based on protocols signed between consumer associations and the individual company which establish the rules that the parties must comply with to resolve individual disputes. The Conciliation Commission is composed of two trained conciliators, one representing the company and the other indicated by the consumer association chosen by the customer.
The conciliation procedure is on a voluntary basis. The agreement reached by the parties is submitted to the consumer who is free to accept the proposed solution or to turn to ordinary justice. To start the conciliation procedure, the consumer must submit a complaint to the company; if this is not answered within the 40-day period as provided for by the Regulation or if the answer provided is deemed unsatisfactory.
The provision that introduces the new discipline of ADR procedures in Italy is the legislative decree of 6 August 2015, n. 130 which implemented the ADR directive for consumers 2013/11/EU.
The natural person named or delegated in the supply, who has received an unsatisfactory response to a written complaint, or who has not received a response within 40 calendar days from the date of complaint, can access the mediation.
You can begin the procedure for Acea Energia, Areti, Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Umbra Acque, S.I.I. Terni, Gesesa and Acea Molise.
For further information on the Joint Mediation procedure of the Acea group companies, please refer to their related pages: Publiacqua, Gori, Acque, Acquedotto del Fiora.
To start the procedure, go to the website www.associazioniconciliazioneadr.acea.it, complete the online form and name the Consumer Association you prefer. Alternatively, you can contact one of the member associations of the Mediation Protocol (only italian version) directly.
The Association will update you on the progress of your application. No decision will be taken without your knowledge. You will choose whether to accept or refuse the offer made by the Mediation Commission. Alternatively, you can write to organismoadr@aceaspa.it.
The procedure must end within 90 days. It may be extended for a maximum of 90 days for particularly complex cases.
During the procedure for only the invoices under mediation, the supply will not be disconnected. The energy supplier company Areti is, however, obliged to carry out the sales persons' requests.
You can contact either the Consumer Association handling your procedure or the Mediation Secretariat at e-mail address organismoadr@aceaspa.it.
Per avere informazioni sulla procedura inviata è possibile rivolgersi all'Associazione dei consumatori designata oppure scrivere all'indirizzo: organismoadr@aceaspa.it.
The Mediation Service established by the Energy Networks and Environmental Regulation Authority provides electricity and gas end customers with a simple, rapid procedure to resolve any disputes with the operators. The Mediation Service is also available for Prosumers (electrical energy producers and consumers) for any disputes with the operators and the GSE.
From 1 July 2019, customers of the integrated water service can also use the Mediation Service to try and resolve any disputes with their operator.
For further information, go to the Authority's website
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