Acea for World Energy Saving Day
Use the tool to look for the list you're interested in on the Professional Lists and qualification systems page. You'll find the relevant regulation for every search result, plus additional, useful documentation for your qualification application.
Because there is no active supplier list or qualification system for the specific type of business you're looking for.
Call the number 02266002616 alternatively request online assistance services following the link: https://procurement-gruppoacea.app.jaggaer.com/web/form-assistenza.shtml
Click on the link on the main page of the suppliers' section or click here to access the dedicated platform.
Access the external platform and click on the tender procedure you're interested in from among those in the list.
You can take part by registering in the Suppliers' List or Qualification System for the goods category you're interested in. When you have been awarded the qualification, you will receive the invitation to bid for any tenders called via e-mail, according to the supplier list or qualification system for the specific goods category you have qualified for.
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Acea for World Energy Saving Day
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