At today’s meeting, chaired by Barbara Marinali, the Acea Board of Directors, with the favourable opinion of the Board of Auditors and effective immediately, approved the appointment of Sabrina Di Bartolomeo, Chief Financial Officer of Acea, as Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports pursuant to Article 154-bis of Legislative Decree no. 59/98, replacing Fabio Paris who, having concluded his professional path within the Company, has tendered his resignation from the office in question.
Sabrina Di Bartolomeo’s curriculum vitae is available in the “our managers” section of the website
According to the information available, as of today’s date neither Sabrina Di Bartolomeo nor Fabio Paris hold shares in Acea.
The Company conveys to Fabio Paris all good wishes for the future professional challenges awaiting him and sincere appreciation for the profuse engagement shown during his years in the role of Chief Financial Officer and Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports.
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